The Quantum mechanics theory permits to calculate many  points  in  the  micro-physics sphere, but at the same  time  it is  very difficult to understand  natural physics phenomenon. So, we   introduce to you   attitudes of some Nobel laureates.

Here it is the  Richard Feynman`s opinion, Nobel laureate for 1965 year:”…it is seem to me, that I can take the liberty to say, that nobody  could  understand the Quantum mechanics…If you can not  be suffered from the question: “How it can be though? On   the contrary matter,  you  will  fall  in  deadlock, from which nobody  still had way away”. 1]
"When new ideas came in, I would try either to deduce them, if they were deducible or to explain that it was a new idea ... and which was not supposed to be provable." The Feynman Lectures on Physics Nobel laureate for 1969 year  Murrey Gell-Mann:” The Quantum mechanics  is a discipline full of puzzles and paradoxes, which we don`t understand for the end, but we can use it,...  and as sociologists will say this is the  unintuitive discipline”.2]

Nobel laureate for 1979 year,  Abdus Salam: “ Included ourselves  in limits of the Quantum mechanics we  had built the house without doors and windows and with so high walls, that we could not understand yet,  where we are in the house or in the prison”.3]

Nobel laureate for 1979 year, Steven Veinberg about the Quantum mechanics: “But I admitted, that I sense some discomfort,  when  all  the life I had used the theory, which nobody  understands  clearly “. 4]

What is the cause of such difficulties  in  the understanding  even for  Nobel laureates in physics?

The Noble laureate for 1933 year  Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac  being one of the   Quantum mechanics  creators, included his 50-years work in the  Quantum theory in such way: “ ….It  seems to me  rather probably that some time in the future it will appear  improved Quantum mechanics, in which   will be returning to causation… But such   causation approach may be possible, only, as a cost of  the  refusal  from any another fundamental idea, which now we unconditionally  assume. “[B.5]

So, many difficulties of the Quantum mechanics understanding may be caused by an imperfection, for example, this is an absence of the causation.

In accordance to  Paul Dirac, it  could be returning for causation  in future and as result to the more physical clearness.

The Quantum mechanics is not every time adequate instrument describing microcosm of the  lack  causation, mathematical complication and abstraction.

Therefore, it is need to found another “instruments” of supplemented possibilities for Quantum mechanics.

1. Richard Feynman.  «The character of physics laws».  Moscow, Sciene, Second publish, 1987, p.117

2. «Fundamental  structure  of substance». Collection of articles. Translation from English, M: MIR, 1984, p. 266

3. Abdus Salam. Progress ( success) in the physician science, 1969. v99. B.4, p573.

4. Steven Veinberg. The dreams about final theory. M., LKI, 2007.p.69.

5. Paul Dirac . Ways in  physics». M, Energyatomizdat, 1983. p.15-16.


In our work as a more actual direction of the hydrogen atom theory,we took the process of electron irradiation between stationary orbits, and it have been examined on the base of classical physics.

The author shows us three fragments. They are from his several books united by one title: The hydrogen atom is the simplest of atoms.

Author examined the electron conversion, using two assumptions – postulates, based on classical physics apparatus:

1.The electron conversion occurs, according to mechanics, on decreasing spiral orbits.

2.During the conversion, electrons are losing part of energy, according to electrodynamics, through emitting irradiation photon.




1.1.  Losses of energy in transition

1.2.  Losses of the momentum quantity

1.3.  The time of electron transition

1.4.  General results



Here we will examine irradiation electron transition between adjacent stationary circular orbits in the Hydrogen atom.
During such transition, the electron movement is occurring at circular decreasing spiral orbits about the atomic nucleus.[1.1.1] These are conversions 2p1s, 3d2p, 4f3d, ...etc. They are showed on the figure 1.1.1, where on the left ordinate axis is the electron energy E in electron-volt (eV). On the right ordinate axis is put relative data of station energy:


a  –  electron charge

1  is  an radius of  n- number stationary circular orbit of electron

1  is  the electron energy, at first stationary circular orbit with radius  1.

When an electron conversed at (n –1)- stationary circular orbit, more close to atomic nucleus, this electron will have energy:


            scheme of energetic levels and irradiation electron transition conversions in the hydrogen atom

Fig. 1.1.1.  This is simplified scheme of energetic levels   and   irradiation electron   transition conversions in the hydrogen atom.

There   at the top  abscissa  are  putted   meanings  of  the azimuth quantum number  Zommerfield  and  the orbital  quantum number    Lande , elliptical  and   circular orbits of an electron showed illustrated,  nucleus is alike spot. Large  half-axes  elliptical  orbits conditionally are given of one size.

The loss of energy in such transition will be

In this  expression  (1.1-4) the law of conversation of the energy is registrated  the loss in an electron. However, the conformity of this process of losing energy doesn`t reflected.

The transition is showed as  an electron  jump  from  the n  to ( n – l ) energy state.

Let us examine   the question of losing energy by electron in transition between neighbouring stationarycircular orbits. At the beginning, when an electron spontaneously leaves the stationarycircular  orbit, it lays  under the  electrodynamics law. In particular, the circulation of the electro- charged electron on a circular orbit is the curvilinear movement with acceleration, and because of that an electron has to lose it energy  through  the emission of electromagnetic irradiation.

Losing the energy, electron moves on spiral reducing circle about hydrogenatom nucleus.

The losses of an electron energy is  connected with the changing  of  the spiral circle radius  correlation

  This   relation  had  been  received  from  the differentiation   of   the expression   (1.1–2) to the current meaning of  the electron energy E.

 During   the   transition time, from the  stationary circular orbit with the radius  to the   near by  (n – 1)  stationary circular orbit with the radius  ,  the electron  is   losing  it  energy, and photon carries it away.

Integrating (1.1–5), we will receive the losses of an energy in electron transit:

Energy amount, lost by electron in   that   transition   process, coincides   with  the expression  (1.1–4), had been received   by using the law of conservation energy. Now, the electron   transition    between  stationary  circular orbits is seemed as a process of  gradually loss energy, but not as ‘jumping’ between energetic levels.

The electron   movement   in   such   transition   is   determined   by  laws  of conservation energy, mechanics and Coulomb's law. And so, in the absence of the external influence on the electron   movement   by   circular   and   spiral orbits the element  of  happening  could not be.

1.1.1) Shidlovsky A. The Hydrogen atom is the simplest of atoms. MINSK: VAVAR, 1997.p.57-61


We`ll examine the process of gradually loss energy by M electron at the transition, between the near by stationary circular orbits. It should be noted, that Quantum mechanics considers this only from the point of the moment conversation law, but not examines the process of losing orbital moment by an electron during the transition.


v,  r  - current  meanings of electron speed and orbit radius,

m –  an electron mass. 

We   use, for the case of the current circular orbit of the electron, the  famous formula of the hydrogen atom of Bohr theory [1.2.1]: 

Let us put  the  expression   (1.2–2) for the  electron  speed  v   in  (1.2–1):

After differentation of (1.2-3) it is received  the dependence of  the electron moment loss dM  from reducing  of the radius to dr:

During the electron  transition  process  from   the stationary  circular orbit of the  radius to the  near by   stationary  circular orbit with the radius , electron loses and photon  take  away   quantity  of motion moment :

For  the  simplification  of (1.2-5), we used expression (1.2-2) for the first stationary  state of the hydrogen atom, where  electron speed and radius  of it orbit is     and  , so it had been used the Bohr theory expression[1.2.1]:

Therefore  the moment of motion quantity, gradually lost by electron in transition and the moment taken away by photon  turns out to be equal to the Plank constant  ħ, that in accordance with the result received when  we using    law of  the moment  of   motion. Now, we can see gradual quantity  loss  of  motion  moment,  according to reducing  of electron  radius orbit  during the electron  transition.

The importance of this result is, that the Plank constant ħ, according to (1.2.- 5), reformed in visible physician  sence or meaning. It is eqaul to integral  ( sum ) of current quantity of motion moment losses, in the  electron  transition  process between   the  near by stationary  circular orbits.

1.2.1) Shidlovsky  A. The  Hydrogen  atom  is the   simplest of atoms. MINSK: VAVAR, 1997.p 16.


  In the Quantum theory Bohr says: “…There is not at all examined the time, during which transitions are happening”[1.3.1], and “…the question about time interval, during which  the connected  to transition  irradiation is happening, arises many difficulties. “[1.3.2]

Let  us  define  the  transition  time of electron between near by stationary  circular orbits, on the base of classical physics.

An intensity energy of irradiation, according electrodynamics, is  written  like current energy  velocity of losses by electron,  during  the transition process between near by stationary  circular orbits

C - it is the light velocity

Then, we  can  obtain expression for  electron acceleration  at the current orbit, using (1.2–2):

We  can  found  the  correlation  ,    using   (1.1–5):

Integrating (1.3–3) and  using  (1.2–2),  it is defined electron  transition time between near by stationary  circular orbits; at the same time  , .


Here   it is  a  constant  of subtle  slim structure            

The  turning  interval  of electron at the first, stationary  circular orbit is:

 (seconds)     [1.3.3].

Relative meaning of the large half-axis  of  this  orbit

Relative  electron  rotation  number  at the first stationary  circular orbit, with the losses of energy  with  intensity     [1.3.4] :


Relative   time  of   the  electron energy   losses with intensity    time      

at  the first stationary  circular orbit is:


For this case,  the meaning   for  spiral    circular orbit electron  transition of the large half-axis of  the orbit is:

Relative meaning of the electron  orbit radius R   is:

In the table 1.3.1. is  compared electron  transition time  , calculated in this work,  with the  transition life time    from  Quantum mechanics  data. The first line, in the  table 1.3.1., reflects  formally «1sp» electron transition from the first the first stationary circular orbit, where  n =1, to the – proton, where .  

Another five transitions  satisfy  to the  first lines of the  Balmer, Paschen, Brackett, Pfund  ….series. In the second column of the  table 1.3.1.   is  given   probability W of electron  transition from  Quantum mechanics  data. [1.3.5].

In the third  column  there is cited the  transition life time:

In the forth  column  there  is   cited approximated   meanings  of the  life time calculated by  (1.3 – 4) .

Table 1.3.1.





Life time

of Transition


of Transition

by (1.3-4)

, с

   Time ratio









4 f 3d

5g4 f


6,26 · 10 8

6,46 · 10 7

1,38 · 10 7

4,25 · 10 6

1,64 · 10 6

 0,16 · 10 – 8

 1,55 · 10 – 8

 7,25 · 10 – 8

23,5 · 10 – 8

61,0 · 10 – 8

1,55 · 10 –11

0,98 · 10 – 9

1,04 · 10 – 8

5,24 · 10 – 8

18,0 · 10 – 8

48,3 · 10 – 8






As it seemed from  fifth  column  in the table 1.3.1., that the  difference between life time  and  transition time  of electron is comparably not great, but  it has a systematic monotonous character, reducing with  the increasing of transition number. As it seemed from  fifth  column  in the table 1.3.1., that the  difference between life time and transition time  of electron is comparably not great, but  it has a systematic monotonous character, reducing with  the increasing of transition number.

Now we want to note the following. Comparative values in the table 1.3.1    and  have different physical meaning. In Quantum mechanics   irradiation life time  is determined, as a time during which the quantity of excited state atoms reduced in  2,72  times. Itis in this work  electron transition time between stationary  states (stationary  circular orbits).Though  an electron during  the time     non-stop emits energy.

So, the time   is  equal   to photon emission time .

A photon can be showed with the wave organization.

For example, in the case of   3d2p transition, time duration of photon, according the table 1.3.1., is

And its linear extent is

С  –  light velocity .

1.3.1   N. Bohr. «  Selected   scientific  transactions».O. 2.  I.: Science, 1971,  p. 24 

1.3.2  N. Bohr.  «Selected   scientific  transactions».O. 1.  I.:  Science, 197,.  p. 530.                           

1.3.3  Shidlovsky  A. «The Hydrogen  atom  is the   simplest of atoms» MINSK: VAVAR, 1997.p.  32..                 

1.3.4.  Shidlovsky  A. «The  Hydrogen  atom  is the   simplest of atoms». MINSK: VAVAR, 1997.p10

1.3.5    Sobelman I.I. «Introduction to theory of atomic spectrum» I.: Science, 1977. p. 295. 


  We present, in short, other   results, obtained in the work at definition characters of  irradiation electron  transition in  the  hydrogen atom  of Bohr model:

it is showed, that  the electron  emits energy with intensity required by electrodynamics; the quantity of electron  revolution  around  the nucleus  is determined.

Results of expressions (1.1–6) e (1.2–5) confirm in particular our supposition about circular character of the electron  motion  at  spiral reducing  orbits in examined transitions of  the hydrogen atom.

So, on the base of classical physics, problems for the hydrogen atom, which still are impossible to be raised in Quantum mechanics, are solved. 

In our case, we used obvious model of the electron motion  and  applied  simple mathematics.

This material is given in the book:  Shidlovsky  A. "The Hydrogen  atom  is the   simplest of atoms. The continuation of the Nilce Bohr theory." MINSK: VAVAR, 1997.p

The author with gratitude accepts remarks and suggestions.

Full information is available at (in Russian only).

Copyright © 1997 - 2011 Alexander Shidlovsky